Conditions of participation - Last updated: January 2025
The ASICS Austrian Women's Run is an event of the Österreichische Frauenlauf GmbH, Barmherzigengasse 17/5/69, 1030 Vienna.
The following conditions of participation regulate the business relationship between the participant and the Österreichische Frauenlauf Gmbh (organizer) and apply to all participants of the ASICS Österreichischer Frauenlauf. The version of these conditions of participation valid at the time of registration is decisive.
A. Competition rules
A.1. All persons who are women or girls by law and who have duly registered with the organizer for one of the competitions using the registration system provided by the organizer are eligible to participate.
A.2. The event and the competitions will take place in all weather conditions. However, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the competitions in advance or during the event, for example in case of "imminent danger."
A.3. Participation in the competitions using means of transport or other sports equipment of any kind that may impact the safety or health of the participants, visitors or executives of the organizer, e.g. inline skates, bicycles, scooters, etc. is not permitted.
A.4. For safety reasons, participation using wheelchairs or handcycles or escorting on bicycles, inline skates, scooters and other means of transportation as well as taking along baby carriages or animals is prohibited.
A.5. The use of Nordic Walking sticks is only possible in the Nordic Walking competition. Running with Nordic Walking sticks is not allowed for safety reasons.
A.6. Escorting by persons not registered for the running competition is not permitted. Exceptions are runners with verifiable impairments who require an escort for their safety. You may register one person, regardless of gender, as an escort free of charge. By registering, the escort person only receives the right to accompany the impaired runner for her support and safety, but no right to further services by the organizer.
A.7. The starting block division assigned by the organizer (according to the start number) must be adhered to.
A.8. The personal official start number may not be changed (reduced in size, folded, pasted over, etc.) or the advertising imprint made invisible or unrecognizable. The personal start number is to be worn on the front of the upper body.
A.9. Passing on the personal start number to third parties without modifying the data at the same time is not permitted and will lead to disqualification. Please note that the start number serves as identification in case of an emergency!
A.10. The instructions of the organizer and his appropriately authorized and identified executives must be followed without fail.
A.11. Non-compliance with one or more of the above points 3 to 10 will result in the disqualification of the respective participant. The organizer's authorized and appointed executives are entitled to exclude participants from the competition at any time, to disqualify them and to expel them from the course or the event location if they violate these rules, disturb the orderly course of the event or endanger the safety of the other participants, visitors or executives of the organizer.
A.12. The organizer, his appropriately identified executive, and the employees of the medical service commissioned by him are entitled to prohibit the participant’s participation or continuation participation in the event in case of corresponding health indications, for the protection of the participant.
A.13. At all physical competitions the timekeeping will be done by Pentek Timing GmbH by means of a "Chip System." For this purpose, each participant needs a "timekeeping chip." If the participant does not have her own ChampionChip, a rental chip will be registered automatically during registration. The rental fee is EUR 4.90 and will be charged together with the registration fee. Without a chip there is no timekeeping. Without timekeeping no individual and/or team classification is possible.
B. Registration
B.1. There is the possibility to choose between two participation formats. The physical Austrian Women's Run in the Vienna Prater or the virtual Austrian Women's Run (Virtual Edition).
B.2. Registrations can only be made via the online registration system at or in exceptional cases by using the official registration form by mail (P.O. Box 17, 1006 Vienna). Registrations by e-mail, telephone or in person will not be accepted.
B.3. The individually appropriate entry fee can be found on This can be paid by credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, Diners Club), eps bank transfer (only for Austrian bank accounts) or one-time direct debit authorization (+ EUR 1,50 per transaction). In case of registration via the online registration system, the direct debit will be made by Hobex AG. In the event that the direct debit is not honored, the participant agrees upon registration that the organizer will provide Hobex AG with the participant's full name, address and date of birth upon request.
B.4. Registration for the ASICS Austrian Women's Run is binding in any case. In the event of prevention of any kind or of non-participation, the reason for which does not lie with the organizer or a company entrusted with the organization and implementation, withdrawal from the registration is not possible and there is no entitlement to a refund of the entry fee.
A withdrawal from the registration or from the contract on the part of the registered participant according to § 18 par. 1 no. 10 FAGG [Austrian law governing distance-selling contracts] is excluded. This means that a fourteen-day right of withdrawal and return is excluded.
A refund of the entry fee is only permissible if the cancellation insurance offered at the time of registration is taken out, in accordance with the associated insurance conditions, unless the participant is entitled to a statutory right of withdrawal.
B.5. For the participation in more than one competition (5 km competition and 10 km or Nordic Walking competition) a separate registration and payment of the entry fee for each competition is necessary. A change of competition is only possible until 29 April 2025 and only if starting places in the respective competition are still available.
B.6. Bank charges caused by false, incomplete or illegible information will be charged to the participant.
B.7. Double registrations cannot be excluded for organizational reasons. In this case, there is no right to a refund of the entry fee, but a name and data change can be made free of charge until 29 April 2025.
B.8. In general, date changes and competition changes, if not otherwise announced by the organizer in writing on the website or by e-mail, can only be carried out until 29 April 2025. After that date, any changes of dates and competitions are prohibited without exception.
B.9. In case of a change of the participation format from "Event in the Prater," the participant can only change to the equivalent format "Virtual-Premium Edition". In the case of a change from "Virtual-Basic Edition" to the higher-value format "Event in the Prater," the participant must pay the outstanding difference. A change is only possible if there are available starting places and until 29 April 2025.
B.10. The number of available starting places is limited for organizational reasons. Registrations exceeding the defined limit may be rejected by the organizer. Registrations will be considered according to the date of receipt.
B.11. After the pre-registration deadline on 29 April 2025, 24 o’clock, each participant will receive a registration confirmation via email. This must be brought to the race number distribution, either as a pdf on a smartphone/tablet or as a printout. The start number must be collected personally by the participant at the time defined by the organizer and announced in the registration confirmation. The collection of the starting documents is only permitted upon presentation of the registration confirmation (as pdf or printout) and a personal official photo ID. If you pick up the starting documents for another participant, you need the authorization signed by this person on the registration confirmation and a copy of the photo ID of this person. The starting documents for the virtual competition (Virtual Edition) will be sent in advance by mail to participants with an address outside of Vienna. Participants with an address in Vienna will receive the starting documents at the start number distribution.
B.12. The starting documents are only available on the event weekend of 24/25 May 2025 to be picked up at the event site. The participant has no right to receive uncollected starting documents and gifts from sponsors and partners at a different time.
B.13. The organizer is entitled to disqualify or exclude from the event participants who knowingly provided false information on personal data relevant for the evaluation of their athletic performance during registration, and/or are subject to a ban by a national or international federation or NADA or WADA, and/or have already been banned for more than 6 months due to a doping offense, and/or violate the anti-doping law valid at that time.
B.14. Should a person who does not meet the criteria for participation and/or meets the criteria that may lead to disqualification or exclusion nevertheless register in whatever form (online, in writing or in the form of a group registration) for an event of the ASICS Austrian Women's Run, no legally valid contract between this person and the organizer shall arise.
B.15. Declarations of registered participants are to be sent in writing either by mail to the address (Österreichischer Frauenlauf GmbH, Barmherzigengasse 17/5/69, 1030 Vienna) or by e-mail to
C. Disclaimer
C.1. By registering for the ASICS Austrian Women's Run, each participant accepts the exclusion of liability of the organizer or the organizers for damages of any kind. The organizer is not liable for property damage and financial losses except in cases of intent and gross negligence.
C.2. The organizer is entitled and, if necessary, also obligated to change the event in part or in its entirety, to postpone or relocate it, to break it off, to limit it or to cancel it due to force majeure, in the case of concrete danger to participants, visitors or the general public, due to official requirements or measures or for other important reasons. In these cases, the organizer is not liable to pay compensation to the participant.
The participants shall accept and comply with any official requirements or orders imposed on the organizer after notification by e-mail and on the website of the event.
C.3. In case of force majeure, official cancellation or official restrictions, the organizer reserves the right to transfer all or some of the participants of the (physical) competitions to the virtual competition. If the number of participants for the physical competition(s) is limited, the allocation will be made according to the receipt of registrations (date and time).
C.4. The organizer assumes no liability for the items handed in and stored by the participant at the official clothing drop-off service offered by the organizer, with the exception of any damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence by the organizer or the executives entrusted by the organizer.
C.5. The organizer does not assume any liability for health risks of the participant in connection with the participation in an event of the ASICS Austrian Women's Run. It is the responsibility of each participant to have her state of health checked by a doctor in advance.
C.6. The organizer reserves the right to deny participation in the ASICS Austrian Women's Run to persons for their protection, if existing health problems of these persons are known to the organizer in advance, and these persons would, from the organizer's point of view, incur additional health risks by participating in the ASICS Austrian Women's Run. Inthis context, the organizer is also entitled to obtain medical confirmations from these persons that their participation is deemed safe.
C.7. The participant is required to inform herself regularly before the event, but at the latest on the day of the event itself, about weather conditions (usnig a weather service), any changes in the event schedule and notices on the website or in the e-mails of the organizer.
D. Personal Data
D.1 With the registration, each participant agrees to the machine storage of the personal data provided, and the data necessary for the payment processing for the purpose of the realization and completion of the event.
D.2. With the registration, the participant agrees that some details (name, first name, year, nationality, team/club, distance and time) of the personal data will be published in starter and result lists on the internet, in the official result booklet and by posting at the event site.
D.3 The photos, film recordings and interviews of the participant taken in connection with the participation in the ASICS Austrian Women's Run may be used, distributed and published by the organizer and its sponsors and partners in radio and television, print media, internet, social networks, advertising, books, photomechanical reproductions – films, dvds etc. – without any claim to remuneration.
D.4. By registering, the participant agrees to the sending of event-related information by mail and e-mail by the organizer. With the exception of the reasons mentioned in point A.13., B.3. and D.5. and for the purpose of emergency medical care of the participant, no personal data will be passed on to third parties.
D.5. By taking out the cancellation insurance offered at the time of registration, the participant agrees to the transfer of personal data to the insurance company.
E. Conditions for one-time direct debit transactions
The amounts to be debited from the account are not subject to any limitation in terms of amount. The account-holding bank is entitled to return direct debits, in particular if the account does not have the required cover. In such a case, the payee shall be notified. Partial payments are not to be made. The account-holding bank shall be entitled not to execute the order if the account does not have the required cover. In such a case the payee shall be notified. The forwarding of this order to the payee shall not give rise to any liability on the part of the account-keeping bank.
The ordering party may not raise any objections to the account-managing bank against debits made within the scope of this order. Objections relating to the legal transaction on which the direct debit is based shall be settled directly between the ordering party and the payee.
This order may be revoked. A revocation of the order shall be valid from the time of receipt by the account-holding bank. The ordering party shall notify the payee at the same time. Any fees incurred as a result of non-covered accounts or unlawful returns shall be borne by the participant. In all other respects, the "General Terms and Conditions of Austrian Credit Institutions" shall apply in the latest valid version.